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24-25 May 2019: Reflections

Hindsight is much clearer than foresight

The Vagrant Twitcher

Six months of my African Big Year has been completed, and it is time to do a little evaluation and introspection. The fact is – I will have to vigorously implement the lessons learnt during the previous six months to achieve my target of 1500 species by the end of the year. Currently my total is standing at 790 species, and I know that adding new birds to the list will become progressively more difficult as the potential birds to tick grow less and less.

One of the best decisions of this Big Year was to utilise local guides. Many specials and endemics have a restricted distribution, and even within that distribution area they could be very localised. Local guides know their patch intimately, and have found those specials/endemics numerous times in the past for their clients. I found that finding a special bird by myself took much more effort and time, and I frequently dipped in the process.

The three days of local birding I did with Etienne Marais has proved to be the most valuable. When he rushed past some birds and spent time on others, I was at first surprised, but with hindsight he knew exactly which low-hanging fruit not to bother with and which species would prove to be tricky during my Big Year. His input meant that I would not spend a great deal of time trying to identify every cisticola and pipit I came across, as I knew I had already ticked them all with Etienne. He also never held back on sharing tips, advice on how to find species and his wealth of knowledge. It was a phenomenal three days of birding in which we recorded over 300 species!

A Big Year is both a physical and mental activity. The need to stay focused and reach daily targets tends to play havoc with your mind. After weeks of birding there is a distinct danger of becoming burned-out and jaded. My friend and birding mentor, Rob de Rover, has filled the role of promoter and praise-singer. His encouragement and guidance, coupled with generous support and assistance, helped tremendously to keep me focused and motivated.

Ahead lies the second half of this Big Year. In the words of the great Ulysses:

I cannot rest from travel:

I will drink Life to the lees;

all times I have enjoy’d greatly,

have suffer’d greatly,

both with those that loved me, and alone;

on shore and when thro’ scudding drifts

the rainy Hyades vext the dim sea:

I am become a name…

Ulysses; by Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809–1892

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